Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission is a large part of The Illuminati. They were formed in 1973 by European Union countries, Canada, and the United States to create a close alliance between countries and, ”these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system.” It was only meant for a three year period. It now acts as yet another way for countries to meet and secretly conspire politically.
The Commission is helping create the global government we will see soon enough in our future. “First, the Trilateral Commission remains as important as ever in helping our countries fulfill their shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system and, second, its framework needs to be widened to reflect border changes in the world.” Note the part in which they talk about border changes. They are assisting in the creation of every union and soon the New World Order. The Commission can be quoted as using the words: “Globalization,” “Growing Interdependence,” and, “the primary anchors of the wider international system,” to describe their characteristics, goals, and objectives.
We find many similarities to The Bilderburg Group in The Trilateral Commission. They meet annually, and rotate location each year. Brussels, Tokyo, and Washington D.C. But unlike Bilderburg, they share openly in what they discuss. Here is a link to the 2007 log on the meetings events. Note that security police, international security development, Global Governance, and open world trade system, were main topics and titles of the meeting.
Another similarity between Bilderburg and the TC is found in it’s members. All 350 of them are, “distinguished leaders in business, media, academia, public service, labor unions, and other non-governmental organizations from the three regions.” This gives the Trilateral Commission control and access to every major business in the world.
The Commission has, and continues to branch out into sub categories by Country and continent. They are dictatoring us from behind a purple curtain and are re-drawing our borders: The Trilateral Commission in The Illuminati.
(Their symbol)

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