Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK-his day, and his lost message

I didn’t celebrate MLK day anyway special. I got the day off and that’s as much celebrating as I am probably going to do. I went to my local library and checked out 1984 and A Brave New World Revisited; but that’s it. In looking at this man though, what he did, and what his effect was on the world, I can see how very important he was. I can also see how much his message resonates and applies to today.
He said love and peace, not war. He believed in the constitution, and equality for everyone. A just government…But learning all I have of the New World Order, The Illuminati, and our present day state of mind in media and everyday life, I can see that his message is fading. Even through his national holiday and remembrance, he is fading. His words are just admired and gaped at. They are not headed and listened to. “I have a dream” has just become a short video clip in a highlight real of MLK on PBS.
In a short matter of time we find ourselves looking at the same problem Martin Luther King Jr. did. But on a larger scale. On a global scale. Discrimination holds a strong underlying decision maker in our politicians yes, but now for every man and woman of every color. They think they can take advantage of all of us, play us for fools and reap every last drop of benefit. We have to stop them. And sadly I think MLK’s strategy will not work anymore. Protesting has been over-used. Every cause has a protest, every disease and every starving country has a group of ralliers. No one can be heard because everyone is shouting. We must find a new way, a peaceful way, a modern way, to get our corrupted government back to the way it should be.

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