Friday, January 25, 2008

10 reasons National Health Care is bad for America

As a naive young American a few months back, I thought National Health Care would be a great addition the the US. It would provide everyone with health care and no one would be left untreated. It would create thousands of jobs. But in hearing Ron Paul preach about his anti-National Health Care views, I decided to do some research. And I have several reasons against a Universal Health Care.
1. It is not the right of the government to provide health care. And in national health care systems, all citizens eventually become required to receive check-ups, medicine, and treatment. This can just make it easier for the government to control us through pills and shots full of mind-control sedatives.
2. Quality of care will plummet. With everyone eventually getting treatment, no one will get full attention and people will get pushed to the side.
3. Waiting time will sky-rocket. It is reported that in Canada it takes twice as long to get surgery than it does in America. If someone walks in with a bullet in their leg, they may have to wait sveral hours for treatment. This long waiting period will cause unnecessary deaths.
4. Canada can only afford National Health Care because of a, “trade surplus,” with America. This makes it impossible for the US to have National Health Care at all.
5. National Health Care eliminates the right of doctor-patient confidentiality.
6. America could only truly afford a National Health Care system through increased taxation. ” “The only way the government can give one American one dollar is to confiscate it first, under intimidation, threats, and coercion, from another American. In other words, for government to do good, it must first do evil. If a private person were to do the things that government does, he would be condemned as a common thief. The only difference is legality, and legality alone is no talisman for moral people. This reasoning explains why socialism is evil. It uses bad means (coercion) to achieve what are seen as good ends (helping people).” This quote also portrays how even more corrupt our government will be with a universal plan.
7. Everyone in the US can already receives trematode through free-clinics, emergency card-care, and community hospitals.
8. National Health care would just add to the amount of money government agencies are wasting to put America in debt.
9. National Health care would destroy hundreds or thousands of jobs because they would eventually eliminate private practises.
10. These are not theories. They are not guesses. All of these reasons are taken from and can be seen in other countries. Universal Health Care does not work.

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